Over 70% of all small businesses in the U.S. are owned by just one person.
So when that key person goes missing for any reason, the business often grinds to a screeching HALT. Work doesn’t get done. Team members can’t access files. Clients don’t have a way to pay.
That’s usually because large portions of the business are in the owner’s head. No one knows where to find the information. Which is a recipe for chaos.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
When you create an Emergency Handbook for your business, you can step away when …
and it only takes 30 days.
Here's how it works
When you register, we’ll email you one topic every day for 30 days. Topics like serving clients, getting paid, and technology access that provide the foundations of any solid plan.
Inside the topic, you’ll be spoon-fed a couple of questions you can answer in 15 minutes.
Write down the answers in the playbook PDF you get when you sign up.
15 minutes a day x 30 days = 7.5 hours
That’s less than one work day to…
Inspire lasting trust with clients (especially the larger ones) who want reassurance that their work can still be completed on time
Improve efficiency, so others can respond quickly and keep costs to a minimum
Maintain workflow and communicate better with strategic partners
Boost morale with your employees by creating stability
Give your family peace of mind, knowing all hell won’t break loose
are you ready?
Buy now and create the foundation to stabilize your business and weather any storm.